October 10, 2010 or simply 10.10.10 is a momentous day for all the people who participated the 10-10-10 Run for Pasig event held in Mall of Asia. This fund raising event was attended by almost 170,000 people. Its such a record-breaking event. The run is divided into four groups : the 3k run, the 5k run, the 10k run and the 21k run. Abby and her officemates, Jap, Teng and Jona participated in the 5K sponsored by their company Accenture. I simply just tagged along and decided to meet them at the finish line.
Since the call time for the run is way to early, around 4am, its best to just get a room nearby so that it would be easier for us rather than leaving the house super early in the morning. Abby and her friends decided to check-in at Great Eastern Hotel in Makati late saturday afternoon. Me and abby arrived at the hotel first. While waiting for Abby's friends, She enjoyed watching Nat Geo while munching on Cheese Balls. When her friends arrived, we had dinner at North Park. I had the orange lemon chicken which is my favorite and Abby had Prawn Dimsum served with North Park's famous Yang Chao Rice. Too bad i dont have a picture of our meals. Our dinner was superb!

We took a cab going to the 5K starting point at CCP complex. We arrived ahead of schedule. As they got off, i took the cab and asked the driver to drop me off to Mall of Asia, the finishing point of the run . The traffic was way too heavy. Good thing the cab driver knows his way around and kept me out of traffic. Since the roads are already blocked, i have no choice but to walk from the main street all the way to the finish line. This is what it looks like around 4:53am. Gun start will be at 5:30am.

Wished Abby for luck and gave her words of encouragement that actually made her jiterry! haha. Told her to have fun and i'l be waiting for her at the finish line, just beside the camera crew of ABS-CBN. :) I was along side Sev Sarmienta, one of ABS-CBN's respected sportscasters. He said, if he had a chance to organize a marathon, hed want it to start at 5 in the afternoon so that runners can go get some booze after they finish. The crew just laughed even though they'r still sleepy and all that. :)

The first batch of runners arrived! There were military men, police, the navy. Participants from different companies. Young and old. Even saw a man running without any shoes! Runners from different walks of life just paced their way to the finish line. I was kinda sad coz i didnt had a chance to get an areal shot of the runners. It could have been a really great photo.

But its alright, seeing my girl at the finish line after that long run, was a very rewarding experience. Specially for her! Im so proud of Abby. She finished the run in 1 hour and 1 minute. I could not help myself giving her a kiss after she crossed that line. Took this picture of Abby, so loud and proud. :)
Then her friends arrived. Jap came second to Abby then Teng and Jona. Very proud of their latest accomplishment. I took a group picture of them while sweat still trickles down the side of their faces. It was a such an experience. Good job guys!

As a proud stage boyfriend, (haha) :P Jap took a photo us. Im so proud of this girl!!! She started to give up smoking then started to get active playing badminton and going to UP on weekends to jog around the UP oval. It all started after we bought that shoe! hehehe. Love you beb! Il make sure i will run along with you next time. :)
After the run, we were about to get their Finisher's Band ( the bracelet that they give away for the runners once you finished), but the sad thing is, we ran out of bracelets.... its just frustrating coz some people have two or three bracelets with them. Broke our hearts since we really want those bracelets. Its just a bummer..
So there.. thats my experience during 10.10.10. You might wanna ask why i didnt run? Simply coz im not registered. hehe. Why didnt I? Coz...registration is already closed. Its too late.. Its all good..Besides I had fun taking pictures of Abby and her friends as they finish the run :) Maybe next year or till the next run.. :)
Are we ready for the Unilab Run? hehe