Manila Solar Eclipse / July 2009
more picturesMy shot of the Partial Solar Eclipse here in Manila. I woke up as early as 6am to prepare my gear. I even went on top of the roof to get a clear view because there were tall trees along the way and I cant get a clear shot. Then God played a little drama on me because he brought this huge cloud above me and even drizzled! I closed my eyes and said a little prayer to let me enjoy one of his greatest wonders. But then.., clouds blot out the sun and filled the sky gray. Sadness just drew my face coz i was really waiting for this one for a month now. I packed my gear and went down...
Then suddenly.., like a light switch turned on, the sky cleared up! And the sun was lit so bright! It was still early. Around 9am. Then tito walbert uttered " bakit ganun yung araw? parang may hiwa?" I wasnt looking that time coz i was sitting at the porch. As I heard what he said, I ran off to our lawn, grabbed my xray films and took a look at the sun. Boom! there it is! Its starting!!!!
I panicked a little coz I already forgot the settings of what shutterspeed and aperture to use. Took a deep breath and grab a hold of all the things I learned from Sir Nathaniel's class. Got myself a masking tape. Taped the X-Ray films in front of my UV filter and boom! There it is. An instant DIY filter. The 2nd shot, i used only 1 filter for that and the rest I used 2 of them, overlapped together. I played with the last parts coz there are lighter parts (where moms ribcage is., oh yeah., i grabbed mom's year 2000 xray results for this), to add a little effect on the shot. I should have submitted this to Sir Nathaniel's DIY filter contest.. :P hehe. And there! I have a pretty decent shot of the sun. Too bad i dont have the 300mm lens to have a good view of it but its all good. My friend Carl even told me, "Sana hiniram mo na lang yung Lens ko!" haha :P O nga sana nga :P but its ok. I just took the pictures with the maximum resolution as possible so I can crop it later. So there. My first solar eclipse pictures. I love it. Lord., thank you po for hearing my prayers. :)